Priorities and other Oxymorons

We hear a lot about priorities these days and their importance in leading healthy lives.  But as Greg McKeown points out in Essentialism, the concept of “priorities” (plural) is an oxymoron (you know, like “jumbo shrimp” or “a new classic”). For 500 years after its introduction to the English language, the word was always singular…

The Myth of Balance

I’m not the first person to ever say this, and I’m confident that I won’t be the last, but here it is anyway:  balance is a myth. More critically, it’s terribly misunderstood. As we talk about it in Christian circles, this elusive thing we call “balance” seems to mean everything in our lives getting equal…

The Power of Touch

One of the clearest things I’ve been learning during my first few weeks here in a mega-church concerns the power of touch.  I’m not talking about physical touch, though I do think there is great power in a quick, entirely chaste, touch on someone’s shoulder.  I’m talking about the power of gently touching an idea…

Moving Forward

A couple of weeks into this thing and I’m realizing that yes, as I mentioned before, a mega-church isn’t just a larger version of a small church, but also that there are some fundamental similarities. For instance, one of the challenges of any church is striking the balance between the past, present and the future.…